
DesignFrame.sequence_frequencies(seqID, seqType='protein', cleanExtra=True, cleanUnused=-1)

Create a frequency-based SequenceFrame.

Generates a SequenceFrame for the frequencies of the sequences in the designFrame with seqID identifier. If there is a reference_sequence for this seqID, it will also be attached to the SequenceFrame.

All letters in the sequence will be capitalized. All symbols that do not belong to string.ascii_uppercase will be transformed to “*” as this is the symbol recognized by the substitution matrices.

  • seqID (str) – Identifier of the sequence of interest.
  • seqType (str) – Type of sequence: protein, dna, rna.
  • cleanExtra (bool) – Remove from the class:.SequenceFrame the non-regular amino/nucleic acids if they are empty for all positions.
  • cleanUnused (int) – Remove from the class:.SequenceFrame the regular amino/nucleic acids if they frequency is equal or under the value . Default is -1, so nothing is deleted.
